Art Tag – June


It’s that time of the month again when we join in with Tim Holtz on his 12 Tags of 2015. June’s tag is all about finding different ways to create the same effect. To see Tim’s tag tutorial click here

I’ve created my version using similar effects, but as always in a different style.


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Once again I’ve filmed my process, which you can watch below. Don’t forget if you like the video please give it a thumbs up, like and if you’d like to be kept informed of future uploads and projects, why not subscribe to my blog and/or my YouTube channel!

Happy Crafting!


8 thoughts on “Art Tag – June

  1. Melusine says:

    I know you didn’t enjoy the process of making this one … but I confess that watching this video made me smile as you used pencil, card and scissors/guillotine to create the pieces you needed. lovely tag … and I liked the kraft/limey colour combo.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Terry Rocha says:

    Awesome job! Again I think you should link your tags, all artist enjoy feedback. It encourages us to keep going if we know someone is interested and is inspired by our efforts. It also helps both of you to build your fan-base.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Carrie Lynn says:

    Nice take on the challenge Mike. I agree with Laura, I like your version more. Maybe because you have improvised, used what you have and found some wonderful embellishments in your stash. In my opinion, creativity stretches us more when we do not have all the materials we ‘think’ we need.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Laura (PA Pict) says:

    I honestly prefer your version of the tag to the Tim Holtz one that inspired it. I like the clean lines of your version as it lets the textures provide the interest. I’m always impressed by how neatly you work. I watch so many arty YT videos where the artist works very messily. It makes me feel itchy. Ha ha. I do with my art what I do when cooking and tidy and clean as I go. I’m still not as neat as you are though. My underpaper on the table is very colorful.

    Liked by 1 person

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